Could this be the closest yet that science has come to a cure for vitiligo?

Last Updated on 17th April 2023 by Caroline Haye

Research scientist looking at samples through microscope

A vitiligo friend pointed out a news item to me today which I somehow missed back in May of this year and which sounds to me like the closest thing to a potential real cure for vitiligo yet. The article, as reported in the Telegraph on 6 May 2013, confirms what most vitiligo sufferers already know (if they make a habit of reading up on research) which is that people with vitiligo typically have elevated levels of hydrogen peroxide in their skin than those without the condition and that they therefore require higher intake of antioxidants in order to combat oxidative stress.

Whilst the treatment the scientists are working on in a topical treatment containing “a cocktail of” antioxidants, I am certain that this also supports the case for eating a diet rich in dark green leafy veg and goes a long way toward explaining why supplements containing concentrated doses of these dark greens can cause re-pigmetation. (I used Five a Day+V in the course of my re-pigmetation and continue to take it daily to ensure the vitiligo does not come back.)

It makes sense to me that treating the problem both from the inside and the outside simultaneously is likely to be the most effective plan of attack!

I am encouraged by the fact that the scientists doing this research have identified a mainstream market for this topical treatment – i.e. the ageing population who would prefer to return to their former youthful colouring and throw away the hair dye bottles.  Perhaps – with more commercial potential at stake – the race to find a genuine antidote to vitiligo will now be well and truly on.  Let’s hope so!

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