My name is Caroline. My vitiligo recovery story is the result of nearly 50 years experience from a patient perspective, followed by 14 years of recovery and keen study of the subject. This website is designed to pass on that experience and offer hope and support to others who are affected by this condition.
Above all, I want to share the message that, while there is no permanent cure yet for vitiligo, it can be improved. It is certainly possible to reverse and manage it to varying degrees, given the right circumstances. Not only that, but it is possible to do this yourself at home.
In my case, vitiligo had claimed approximately 80% of my skin colour over 5 decades. But, in spite of this, I was able to recover about 95% or so of this lost pigment. And I’m happy to say, over a decade later, that I have so far sustained this recovery.
What you will find on this site
I feel extremely fortunate to have had such an unexpected recovery. (It took place over a period of about 18 months, starting in the spring of 2010). And this prompted me to share my story with as many others as possible. I cannot promise that replicating my actions will produce the same results for everyone. But I know that it has already helped a lot of others. And I hope that something on this site will prove useful to you too in your search for answers.
On this site I have shared the following:
- How my pigment loss progressed over the years;
- My feelings and reactions to this;
- Ways I learned to live with it;
- How I eventually recovered to the point where I finally feel happy in my skin again.
- A summary of what I call my “Vitiligo Protocol”.
- Before and after photos of my recovery
- Photos and testimonials from others
- My vitiligo blog
And at Vitiligo Store you will find the products I used myself, along with other solutions that I have come across and found helpful during and since my recovery.
My aim in sharing this recovery story
I hope my success story will encourage and inspire you. Vitiligo can be distressing and isolating. So I believe that the more positive success stories we can share the better. I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences too. So, please feel free to contact me via this site.
By the time I finally found a therapy that worked for me (which I never really believed possible) I was already at a point in my life where my skin was no longer an all-consuming preoccupation. I am obviously ecstatic about my recovery and sometimes still have to pinch myself to fully appreciate it. It is, quite literally, a dream come true. But, as you get older, you tend to develop a greater sense of proportion. I realised that having perfect skin is not the be-all-and-end-all I once thought it was.
I had more or less resigned myself to the fact that my white patches would be with me for life. But I vividly remember how miserable they used to make me feel when I was young. I can still picture how they affected every aspect of my existence. So maybe, by sharing my whole story, I can add something to the sum of knowledge and awareness of the condition… as well as offering some moral support to others.
3 vitiligo tips to be going on with…
Before you read any further, I’d like you to know that having white spots on your skin doesn’t mean you have to put your life on hold. I am confident that more effective treatments are in the pipeline. More vitiligo research is going on today than ever before. It is only a matter of time before this produces a definitive cure. So there is every reason to feel optimistic about the future. But, until then, my advice to anyone looking for inspiration is:
- Stay cheerful and get on with life – your skin does not define who you are;
- If you are happy to embrace your white patches, then do it. Many people do. But if you want to try my protocol (or any other non-risky treatments) then give them a good go. One of them may prove to be the right one for you;
- Remember you are not alone. Roughly one person every 100 has this disorder and understands how you feel. There is strength in numbers and in mutual support. And, in my experience, vitiligo sufferers are among the most compassionate, caring and courageous people in the world.
I am constantly updating the information, tips and articles on these pages. And I keep adding to my blog. So please be my guest, read on, and come back as often as you like…. you are always welcome!