Real examples of re-pigmentation
A big thank you to everyone who has shared their vitiligo success stories, testimonials and before and after photos below…

Success Story: Jean, Newcastle UK
Aug 2018
I thought it was about time I sent some photos of my amazing progress.
After having widepread vitiligo (covering around 85% of my body) for 30 plus years and being told nothing could be done, I started to research natural cures online. After making healthy changes to my diet and some sun exposure I had some signs of pigment returning. I then came across your website and started on the Boost tablets and Five a Day powder.
In November last year I combined the supplements with UVB therapy 3 times a week and the results have been dramatic! [see before and after pictures below] I would like to thank you so much for your information and interesting website and blogs, and all of the help and advice you have given me personally. Getting my normal skin back has been life changing!
More vitiligo recovery pictures from Jean below

To read more about Jean’s experiences, see Maintaining Vitiligo Recovery.
More vitiligo success stories and more recent testimonials below
I never thought it would be possible on hands: Karolina, Denmark
March 2023
I just wanted to share my progress with you. I have made a photo collage where I included my left and right hand, before and after five months of treatment. (The top photos were taken in September 2022. The bottom shots were taken in March 2023.) I’m so happy for the results that I’ve achieved so far. I never thought it would be possible on hands.

I’ve come a long way: Jasmine, Singapore
March 2021
Thank you! Connecting with you gave me hope. I’ve come a Long way and you are a big part of it.

My results so far: Rachida, Paris
August 2020 (Updated March 2021)

Aug 2020:
The before pics were taken last year in July (2019) before I’ve started the supplements.
I’ve started the supplements mid-July 2019 till end of September 2019 and then restarted in April 2020 till beginning of July 2020 and I’ve restarted first week of August.
I started to see results after 6 weeks in 2019 but it is much faster now for the new ones!
Mar 2021:
I was searching for some pics that I could send… and I was amazed by the results so far while I’ve been only taking your vitamins during summer time. Don’t know why I’m more lazy during winter time 😉
Thank you so much for your guidance and support during my journey of healing my vitiligo!

My progress is amazing!!!! I’m turning into my normal skin again! Karin, Netherlands
September 2021 – January 2022

I have had vitiligo since the age of 14. It started with a little white patch and after years it grew all over my body, but slowly. I tried so many therapies over the years. Doctors told me to start living with this disease but all my life I looked for a solution because I refused to believe it was not curable.
I have known Caroline for a really long time. I used Boost and Five a Day years ago also but didn’t change my diet at the time. Now I quit eating sugar, gluten and dairy as much as I can (although I find it very difficult to stop eating chocolate). And I have used Five a Day and Boost every day since September 2021. My progress is amazing.
A lot of thanks and love to Caroline because with her lovely support I feel much stronger than if I was doing this on my own!
I am very grateful that my body has begun to heal itself: Romana, Czech Republic
My Vitiligo Success Pictures: 2018 – 2020

August 2018

April 2020

I Never Knew I Could Recover So Fast: Eli, Delhi India
Dec 29 2018
I received my supplements around 3rd December and started taking them on 6th December, by 16th December the discolouration on my nose was completely back to normal, there was a slight discolouration on my index finger too, I can see it almost back to normal too, additionally, my body has become a beautiful tanned colour. The lower lash line is yet to reverse though but I am very positive that it will recover too. …
… I guess the fast recovery can be attributed to the fact that I had partial discoloration and not complete loss of pigment. In all of the places where there was partial discoloration, the colour smoothly faded back in, I don’t think that even any extremely experienced dermatologist would have repaired my skin so perfectly as my body has repaired itself internally…
Jan 4 2019
I have some more good news, the pigmentation on my lower lash line is also almost 70-80% recovered. I just noticed it today.
Success Update: Joel, Weston-super-Mare

To read Joel’s full success story, see How One Man Reversed His Depigmentation Therapy.
Aug 2018
I am very impatient in nature, however, I am pleased with the results so far. I keep reminding myself I have only used the UVB panel for 12 weeks. In terms of supplementation I am taking Boost and Five a Day as well as other supplements.
In terms of photos, I’m more than happy for you to use them. You have helped me greatly on this journey so far.
Vitiligo Recovery: Vera, Netherlands

June 2018
I wanted to let you know that I have very good results so far !! Everywhere brown dots are coming back and there are more and more every day! I’m using boost and five a day and uvb exposure 3 times a week. I have been at the dermatologist today and she was very surprised too! I have added a few pictures. I’m happy!!! 🙂
More pictures from Vera below

Another vitiligo success story: Angie, Wellington, New Zealand

March 2018
Like many of us, we’re given disappointing answers from doctors along with a topical steroid cream to cover up the symptoms instead of healing ourselves from within. I wasn’t satisfied with that so I continued my search for the truth. And after months of research I came across your website. Your story among many others have been such an encouragement and an inspiration, and I’m happy to be a part of that as well.
The stories, successes, everything here is such a profound gift, just like our vitiligo, a blessing in disguise. After taking your products my white spots have gone back to my original color. There’s still a small percentage of a few white spots but an overall enormous change. This is truly incredible. I will continue to use Five a Day & Boost for the years to come because of its amazing benefits and knowing that it’s what my body needs. Thank you Caroline.
Testimonial: Chase, New Jersey
Hey! It’s been a while since we’ve last spoke. I just wanted to tell you that I have been making AMAZING progress!!! Now that the sun is out and I can get some sun on my spots, pigment is returning!! I would show update pics, but the area is below the belt haha. The edges are shrinking and there’s a giant dot of repigment now. I’m so thankful for your regiment, it’s seriously a blessing. I recently added collagen to the mix and believe it is working well along with the rest of the process. I hope to see the same kind of progress on other areas as well eventually, but for now, I’m very satisfied 🙂
Thank you so much!
Repigmenting: Adriana, Tucson Arizona

July 2018
I’m currently taking all the supplements you suggest and I’m seeing wonderful results. It’s very encouraging to see the progress of new freckles and I feel very hopeful for once ♥️ I’m attaching a picture of my arm where you can see the freckles all over :), feel free to post the picture on the testimonials for other people to see it.
Success Update: David S, Edinburgh
May 2017
I just wanted to send a quick email to say I’ve been using Boost, Five a Day and NB UVB plus other recommended supplements like glutamine. And every patch I have. Feet, hands, wrist, face, armpit, inner thigh and groin all have brown spots. Some are 90% filled in. I’ve still got some way to go but addressing my nutrition and stress have definitely made a huge difference. Wish I could go back to the original dermatologist who told me there was nothing he could do and to soldier on. I felt like jumping off a bridge when I left the office after waiting 6 months to see him. Anyway onwards and upwards.
Keep up the good work.
New Pigment: A.C., Saskatoon, Canada

May 2018
Within a month I started getting pigmentation in a spot I had for 7 years. Two months in and my elbows, face and knees are slowly filling in. It’s just like you had said, some areas the colour kind of fades in and others there are spots.
I am not a patient person so I honestly started these vitamins and powder and was discouraged when I didn’t see anything happening within 2 weeks. My advice to other people is to be patient and don’t look for results everyday- that would drive you crazy.
For myself I believe stress contributed a large amount to my vitiligo. I don’t expect overnight results and I know this process is ongoing and I am just thrilled beyond what I could ever express to see those little brown spots .
I have had vitiligo for 20 years and to see that it’s possible to get pigmentation back on those places…that thought alone helps me be patient and trust the process.Thank you for your knowledge and sharing your journey. You have helped me immensely.
Aug 2018
This is my progress! Sorry the second picture is a bit dark but you can see how far I’ve come in 4 short months. You have my permission to use this picture if you want.
I am very happy with the way things are going and will continue to update you as things keep changing. Take care and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your wisdom and personal journey. I tried for so long to find something that would work so if my pictures give people hope then I am thrilled with that!
Thank You: Christina H, Denmark
I´ve had vitiligo for 5-6 years – it started under my arms and on my hands.
One year ago it started in my face.
I have read a lot on your very informative web site – and I decided to give Boost, Five a Day and Collagen a chance. After only 2 weeks, I´m so happy and surprised – my pigment is already returning – I just had to share it with you 😉 😉 😉
I send you an after-8-weeks photo!! This is really working.
Now I’ve been taking Boost and Super Greens for 14 weeks and new pigment under my arms is starting to show!
(…and a quite funny sun tanned skin under my arms )
Thank you!

Recovery Progress: Angels, Barcelona
March 2017
I just wanted to update you a bit about my vit process. This Autumn-winter I have been following a treatment based on Boost, two daily UvB applications (on face and arms, with a handheld lamp) followed by the use of Vitix (morning) and Protopic (evening). It is really helping, I attach some pictures so that you can see the progress.

The Treatment Works: Nataliya, London
Hi Caroline, just wanted to report the treatment is working! I have been taking the supplements for 3 weeks now … Freckles appeared in most of my patches, 1 or 2 for now, but in full colour, matching my natural skin tone. I noticed the first ones about a week ago (so 2 weeks into treatment). At first I was not sure if I was seeing things but now there’s about 10-20 places all over my body where pigment appeared and the number is growing every day. Some are dots, some are little areas. Even hardest to re-pigment areas such as hands and feet are reacting. I am absolutely over the moon! Thank you thank you!!!!
White Spots Gone: Thao, Stuart, Florida
Thank you so much for your story and recommendation. Boost supplement really works, By God Grace, my son’s white spots are gone. God bless!
Photos: Fiona, Weston-super-Mare, UK
Aug 2016
Just thought I’d let you know that taking the Boost and Five a day tablets since 17th June has improved my vitiligo significantly! Although I have had the condition now for approx 20 years it has until recently been quite minor compared to others that suffer with it. However, earlier this year I did notice it seemed to be getting worse, particularly on my hands. The areas of my body that really affected include my groin, arm pits and hands with a very small amount now appearing at the corner of my eyes, which is what really prompted me to now do something about the condition as I didn’t want it to get worse on my face if I could avoid it.
After a little bit of research I discovered your website and all the valuable information it contains. I was little bit sceptical at first because there are some other sites out there which seem dubious to say the least! However, your way of thinking seem to make complete sense and I decided to give it a go and ordered my first lot of tablets, I am now on my second batch and the difference is remarkable in a short spell of time.

Success! Treatment Is Working: Nathalie, France
Hi, I came across your blog at the beginning of July 2015. My daughter (9 years old) has had vitiligo for the past 4 years. Patches have appeared on her pubic bone, knees, elbows, feet and fingers. I immediately bought Boost and Five a Day. One month later she started to have little patches of pigmentation on her pubic area and knees. I want to thank you for your story and your experience. This is giving us a lot of hope. We are glad to see that the treatment seems to be working. Thank you again.
Lots Of New Freckles: Carly, Ruislip UK
Hi Caroline we emailed each other last year about me starting to take boost and 5 a day+ I said I had some re pigment on my hands, well I stopped taking it when I ran out and unfortunately this year my skin was so much worse!! I’ve lost most of it the pigment on my hands! [top right] So I started again with the treatment and just wanted to update you once again that I have a lot of freckles [bottom right] as my hands HAD pretty much lost all color. Also I am getting a few freckles growing and connecting on my arm !! […] anyway I am going to think about buying the [Vitix] lotion and camouflage lotion, take care x

Success Story: Sylvie, Halesowen UK

Hi Caroline, IT’S WORKING !!! I have tiny little brown spots coming on my one arm!! I’m delighted! ! … I can’t tell you how relieved I am. […and in another email 2 weeks later…]
It’s coming thick and fast now, I am getting good results all over except feet and hands and a few odd places. Legs are coming slowly but a definately improvement, so all in all I reckon that if it keeps up this rate I may be able to wear a short sleeved top by next summer!

[…] here is my update, it all seems to be coming on slowly but surely, my hands and feet are still the same !!! Don’t seem to be able to shift it at all but as you will see arms and back is doing well.
In fact I can see progress everywhere except for hands and feet !!!
Another Vitiligo Success Story: Susan, USA
I have exciting news. I am also seeing great improvement in my vitiligo patches, lots of freckling and 3 or 4 of my spots are nearly gone.
Pleased With Results: Marie, UK
I have been using the Boost & 5 a day since we spoke and have had a few pigmented freckle like spots here and there. I have been pleased with the results as this is a major breakthrough…
So Excited: Melanie, Missouri, USA

Look at all the freckling. Soooooo excited!
First Signs Of Success: Jo, New Zealand
Just thought I would drop you a line to let you know that I have been taking the Xenca boost supplement, 5 plus a day and the collagen supplement for 5 1/2 months and have some repigmentation on my arms and a slight improvement on my hands. (nothing on my feet yet !) The first sign of some repigmentation came after taking the supplements for three months.
Thank You Very Much: Mike, Vienna
I just like to thank you VEEEERY much for this website.
I posted 2-3 years ago here… had rapid depigmentation back then. But I hesitated to post during my recovery.
But now I like to share my experience after 3 years. I am so angry on MD doctors who do not help you because of current medical system. I was despared back then. White patches started to spread all over my face. It was like my life is over. At least my social life.
Thank you Caroline, I can’t express my gratitude.
It’s Worked: Shane S., London
It’s worked! […] I also wanted to drop you a line to say that I’m now almost fully repigmented. I emailed you about 3 months ago which was a month or so after I first discovered my patches. I’ve been taking Boost and Five a Day+V for just over three months and noticed repigmentation after about two. My vitiligo was in it’s early stages and although patches were popping up everywhere they remained small and didn’t spread. My paleo diet has continued and I really feel that healing my gut with l-glutamine and adding an omega 3 supplement to my treatment has helped greatly in speeding up the process. Also apple cider vinegar seemed enough for my acid reflux.
It’s now had me thinking about how your protocol works and what was going wrong inside my body to cause this reaction. I always imagined it to be that leaky gut was causing malabsorption of vitamins (even though none showed on my blood results except vitamin D).
You have no idea how much you’ve helped me
But I now wonder whether it was more the lack of minerals in my diet which caused the issue as I’ve read that minerals work with amino acids for all the processes in the body, one process being to create pigment, and I also read somewhere that they body can ‘steal’ the small amounts of minerals that I was supplying through my diet and prioritised other more important processes therefore resulting in patches of lost pigment. Reading through some of the ingredients in Five a Day+V you see that some of the ingredients are so rich in minerals as well as vitamins – many as I say that I wouldn’t have got from my diet before.
Thanks again so much Caroline, you have no idea how much you’ve helped me and I imagine so many others. Your website and blogs are amazing. You’re a star.
Helped Me Find Cure: Amy, Arizona USA

Just had to send you this picture…I am giddy with all the freckles on what was once my completely white armpit. I’m immeasurably grateful to you and all you have done to help me find a ‘cure’. I think you are absolutely brilliant.
Vitiligo Success Pictures: Kelly, Illinois USA
Just wanted to say hi and share with you some updated photos. I recently started up my UVB treatment and I’m hoping to be vitiligo free this year. Attached are some before and afters (below).

I hope that browsing these real examples of re-pigmentation has helped you to realise that, although this condition is not strictly curable, vitiligo success stories are more common than you may think.
For pictures of my own re-pigmentation, see the Pictures Of My Vitiligo page.