Curing your vitiligo may take guts!

Last Updated on 21st October 2020 by Caroline Haye

I’ve chatted with a lot of vitiligo sufferers over the years since telling my story on this site. And so many of them have digestive problems that I’m convinced malabsorption of nutrients is a key trigger of vitiligo… If not the root cause of it.

I have suffered with Irritable Bowel symptoms (and vitiligo) since early childhood. And, although the nutritional products I have been taking the last couple of years have resulted in my almost complete re-pigmentation, my IBS also improved but didn’t go altogether.  The missing link for my digestive symptoms seems to have been probiotics. I think I must have had a bad case of Candida or some other sort of imbalance of intestinal flora… Because two courses of high strength probiotics later, nearly all the IBS symptoms have cleared up and I’m feeling better than I have for years.

If you suspect you might have the same problem, I would  recommend taking a broad-spectrum, high strength probiotic every day. Most of us don’t get enough of these “good” bacteria in our diets. Not only that, but we get far too many antibiotics one way or another. So, whether you think you have an intestinal overgrowth or not, it’s unlikely to do any harm to take a course of probiotics. Having said that, I must stress I’m not a doctor. The advice is just a matter of common sense and gut instinct!

[Note: taking probiotics is not a substitute for a healthy diet. For my suggestions on diet, see Eating For Vitiligo Recovery.]

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