Frequently asked questions
Vitiligo has always been a subject that invites far more questions than there are answers. There are the obvious ones like “why does skin turn white?” and “is there a cure?” And then there are others that are more personal, like “why has this happened to me?” or “will my children inherit the condition?”. Because of this, a page entitled FAQ vitiligo questions answered is one that could very well go on for ever. And you might still not find the question that you would most like to ask. So if you’d like to add your own in the comments below, please do.
Click on the links below for some answers
- What is vitiligo?
- Is your story for real?
- What causes vitiligo?
- Can doctors treat vitiligo successfully?
- My doctor was very unsympathetic: is this normal?
- Will vitiligo research produce a cure?
- Is vitiligo hereditary?
- What are the risk factors for vitiligo?
- Is vitiligo a disease or a symptom?
- Have others had the same success as you?
- How long do I need to keep taking the supplements?
- Is Boost safe for children?
- Does Boost need UV or sunlight to work?
- Should I take vitamin D for vitiligo?
- What about hard to re-pigment areas?
- Do you sell the cure yourself?
- Where can I buy tried and tested vitiligo products?
- How does phototherapy work?
- How safe is home UV phototherapy?
- Can psychological therapies help?
- Does the arthritis drug tofacitinib cure vitiligo?
- Are phenols good or bad for vitiligo?
- Can sesame oil help vitiligo?
- What about vitiligo and self-pity?
- How am I supposed to understand all the medical vitiligo terminology I read?