I’m thrilled to say that the re-pigmentation process is still continuing – despite my having discontinued the UVB [a full 2 years ago at the time of writing this] as I was reaching the end of my allocated quota and wanted to keep a few in reserve – and is making a huge difference to my confidence levels. My vitiligo was so very widespread and long-term that it’s no wonder it is taking a long time to reverse. But 22 months (this is the time taken so far) is nothing compared to the 50 years I spent with the condition – and it’s actually fascinating seeing how the natural colour of my skin is coming back. In some lesions – mostly the smaller ones – it has simply reappeared smoothly just like a normal tan does – i.e. “fading” gradually in. But in all of the previously extensive areas of depigmented skin it has come back in the form of freckles which very gradually are joining up. My forearms, for example had previously been completely white (apart from one “island” of pigment on my left arm). These have gradually gone from pure white, to white with lots of freckles, to mottled tan!
Looking back at various photos taken during my re-pigmentation, I can see what a gradual process it has been – and it’s still proving to be frustratingly slow on hands and feet. But it is still progressing and many of the freckled areas are now either completely filled in (i.e. normal again) or almost. In the past month or so I have put some more pictures on this site. The black and white ones show the freckling and “mottling” really well. And there has been further improvement since then too. All the areas that have this freckling effect on them were previously completely devoid of pigment with very distinct edges.
Now, I would be quite comfortable wearing a swim suit with just a little fake tan on hands and feet. This is a remarkable thing for me to say, given that a few years ago I couldn’t bear to look at myself in a mirror!
January 2019
It is now 9 years since my recovery started and I have continued to retain all of the pigment that I regained. I am also seeing further improvements in the evenness of my repigmented skin. The appearance of these areas is now much less freckled, to the point where is is really hard to see where many of the vitiligo lesions previously were.
January 2018
I am delighted to report that I have had no reversal of my re-pigmentation since the last update and that, if anything, I am continuing to spot minor improvements in the uniformity of the pigment that I have re-gained over the past 8 years. Most of areas that were previously mottled or freckled now have an even consistency of pigment. I still have some mottled, lighter areas on my hands and feet but even these are not white, just a lighter shade of my natural skin colour. So it is true to say that I do not have a single white patch left 🙂
January 2014
I can’t believe it’s been a full year since I put an update on this page. I have been regularly posting on my blog and almost forgot I had created an Update page on this site too!
Well, the past year has seen further improvement in the consistency of my re-pigmented areas to the point where they are mostly indistinguishable from the surrounding fully pigmented skin. The only patches that are still a bit mottled are my hands and feet but there is even definite – if painfully slow – improvement here too. I have continued to take a minimum of one heaped teaspoon (or 5 capsules) of Five a Day+ green foods every day so that I continue to get a hefty daily dose of antioxidants, specific enzymes and other key nutrients to help with the digestive issues which I believe are at the root of my vitiligo and to tackle the high hydrogen peroxide levels which I – in common with other vitiligo sufferers – have on my skin. I firmly believe that this is the reason I have had no recurrence of white patches and my condition has continued to improve.
I have also taken a couple of “top-up” courses of Boost capsules (only during the sunny summer months and on holidays) just to ensure I don’t become too depleted in the key nutrients but I have not found it necessary to take it every day like I did during the initial re-pigmentation.
January 2013
It’s now 2 and a half years since I started to re-pigment and the freckes have almost completely joined up to leave quite even toned skin (as you will see from the latest pictures on my photos page). When there is gradual improvement over a prolonged period of time you almost don’t realise how much better things have become. But I’ve just uploaded 4 more photos and was amazed at the difference between them and the previous ones.