Last Updated on 11th May 2023 by Caroline Haye

A story of gaining and losing new pigment
I have had the pleasure of corresponding with Jean, off and on, for a while now. She first contacted me three years ago, having rediscovered my website. She explained that she had previously tried the same supplements I used for my recovery but, as she had not continued with them long enough to see results, she had failed to see any re-pigmentation of her vitiligo. Reading about my recovery for a second time, she felt ready to try again. And her second attempt proved much more successful than the first. Over a 24 month period most of her white patches disappeared and she was thrilled with her progress. Since then, she has discovered that maintaining vitiligo recovery can be challenging. Realising that her experiences of both gaining and losing new pigment are likely to help others, she generously agreed share her story…
“Vitiligo changed so many aspects of my life”
My vitiligo started over 30 years ago when I was in my late teens, early twenties. It started with patches at the tops of my legs and under my arms. It felt as though my clothing was rubbing the pigment from my skin.
When I went to the doctor’s I was told it was a harmless skin condition with no treatment or cure. I never questioned this for the next 30 years as the condition spread in an almost symmetrical pattern to cover around 85% of my body. I was quite dark skinned, enjoyed lying in the sun and loved having a suntan. But that all changed pretty quickly. I accepted what was happening with a depressing resignation, and coped with it by covering up with clothing and an endless supply of fake tans. (As this was over 30 years ago fake tan wasn’t as good as it is now: think orange!)
Vitiligo changed so many aspects of my life: the way I dressed; never leaving the house without makeup; rarely holidaying in hot countries; my overall self confidence.
“I started to research natural vitiligo treatments”
My journey to recovery began about four years ago when I started to research and try out various treatments. My sister (who also has vitiligo, but not as widespread) had treatment in Germany with pseudocatalase cream and UVA. This did improve her skin but was very costly to maintain. So I started to look at natural cures and, as a result, dramatically changed my diet.
I began by juicing and increasing my intake of fruit and vegetables substantially. I added in various supplements, in particular vitamin D (in which I had proved to be severely deficient). And I tried to expose my patchy skin to the sun for short periods whenever possible.
Very slowly, I saw – for the first time since the condition started – freckles appearing on some of the white areas, I was ecstatic!
” I started taking the Boost with the Five a day supplement “
Continuing my research, with much optimism and enthusiasm, I eventually found TheVitPro website with lots of information about the improvement of others with vitiligo after taking Boost combined with UVB therapy or sunshine. So I started taking the Boost with the Five a Day supplement and exposed my skin to the sun for short periods as often as I could. I also continued eating a healthy diet, cutting out sugary foods. I had fantastic results over the summer months but slow progress over winter.
So as winter approached again in 2017 I decided to buy a UVB lamp. After 10 weeks I started to see brown freckles appearing all over my body. One year on the difference was remarkable with most of my body back to it’s normal colour although my hands, feet and knees were still a work in progress.
Then illness and poor nutrition led to relapse
Unfortunately, in January this year I had a viral illness which left me nauseous and unable to eat properly or take the supplements for over three months. During this time I lost quite a lot of the new pigment, which was devastating!

But I’m now back to my normal healthy diet and religiously taking Boost, Five a day and collagen , along with the UVB 3 times a week so I’m hoping to quickly regain the colour I have lost.
From everything I have learned on this journey, I feel sure that supporting the health of my digestive system has been key to developing and improving this condition. I believe that by nurturing a healthy environment in my digestive system (using nutrition as a natural therapy and UVB / sunlight as a trigger) I have enabled my body to heal itself.
My experiences over the past few years have shown me that it is possible to re-pigment vitiligo, even if it is not yet possible to cure it outright. And I have realised that managing recovery is something that needs to be done on an ongoing basis. If something works for you, then keep on doing it! When (not if ) the pigment returns again, it will be further evidence to backup this belief .
To see photos of Jean’s previous re-pigmentation success, go to the Vitiligo Success Stories page.