promising vitiligo research

Last Updated on 3rd January 2019 by Caroline Haye

Earlier this year some promising research was reported which offers vitiligo sufferers hope of a possible vaccination to reverse the autoimmune response thought to be responsible for the condition.  Like everyone else with vitiligo, I long for the day when a definitive SAFE cure is found and I will be looking out for updates on this research.  In the meantime I am continuing to use a natural nutritional approach to my vitiligo and am happy to say that, 3.5 years on I have had no relapse at all and am still continuing to see improvement in the density and uniformity of my re-pigmentation (which has progressed from roughly 20% of my body to about 98% in that time – most of it occurring in the first year).  My own belief is that it is better to take responsibility for our own health and do what we can to improve it by whatever safe means we can research for ourselves than it is to wait year after year for the men and women in white coats to produce a scientific miracle.  Either way – whether you choose to do something proactive about treating your vitiligo or whether you decide to embrace your white patches – the important thing is not to put your life on hold.  Life is too short! 

Thanks for your comment - I look forward to reading and publishing it!