Still pinching myself!

Last Updated on 4th January 2019 by Caroline Haye

It’s been about 2 years now since my vitiligo started to disappear (or my pigment started to re-appear, which is how I tend to think of it). I’m not quite 100% there yet, but very nearly (and I’m still seeing a gradual improvement in the couple of white patches I still have left so I think it’s only a matter of time).

The novelty of looking like my old self again still hasn’t worn off. I’m grateful every single day. But I have to keep pinching myself to realise that my face and large expanses of my body are no longer as white as a sheet but are back to my old colour again.  It just goes to show how powerful a long-held self image can be. I suppose I have thought of myself as “pasty faced” for so long that now it comes as a surprise to hear someone say to me – as a friend did just yesterday – “You must have had lovely weather on your holiday – you look really tanned!”  For a moment I thought she must have been talking to someone else. Then I realised she was right!

My hope and prayer is that everyone with vitiligo should be able to feel good in their own skin – whatever colour (or colours) it is 🙂

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