We’ve come a long way and there’s more to look forward to My vitiligo journey spans 6 decades, and counting. (Hard to believe – but yes, I really am that old.) Seen in the rear view mirror, it’s staggering how our world has altered in sixty years. In many ways, […]
Attitudes & Awareness
Spoiler alert: NO, but here’s why some people might ask Some bloggers like to pose intriguing questions in their titles, then take their readers on an exhaustive tour of the subject, only revealing the answer in the closing paragraph waaaayyy down the bottom of the page. I know I have […]
Marketing products AND awareness Advertising is all around us all the time. Each new year – and 2024 will be no exception – advertisers bombard us with hundreds of thousands of advertising messages. They start with the January sales. Then come spring breaks, summer vacations and every imaginable activity and […]
How to knock spots off last year’s festive shopping As this is the season for giving and receiving gifts, I decided to see what vitiligo toys and merchandise I could find online that might make great presents for friends and supporters. And I was pleasantly surprised at the choice. (This […]
Blogs that help people understand vitiligo There is a lot of information about vitiligo on the internet right now, in the final quarter of 2019. And it’s a sure bet that next year will increase the sum of online vitiligo knowledge and awareness even further. Keeping up to date with […]
Do you "suffer" from vitiligo? Or do you find that term offensive? This is what I call the vitiligo sufferer dilemma.
White patches may start in our genes but they affect our very soul Vitiligo is all about the skin – right? Surely that is the beginning and end of the subject. For generations, doctors reacted to their patients as if this were true. Until very recently, most viewed it as […]
I have been thinking about the concept of “visible difference”. The term has crept into our language over the past few years. And it strikes me as infinitely more positive and inclusive than its older cousin “disfigurement”. And yet I don’t think I have ever really considered until now even […]
Why The Vit Pro believes we should be optimistic about the advances being made in 2019 to improve quality of life and treatment options for vitiligo sufferers.
A more holistic approach to vitiligo Doctors the world over are fond of telling us that vitiligo is incurable. I get the impression that many of them have memorised the same script… A script that comes from a book with a title like A Book of Incurable Diseases and How […]
Free streaming broadcast: Sat June 23rd & Sun June24th Great news for all of us in the vitiligo community around the world… By the time next Monday (25th June – #World-Vitiligo-Day 2018) arrives, we could find ourselves a lot better informed about current and future developments in #vitiligo-research and clinical […]
I am not known for my short blogs. This is partly because I am quite a long-winded person. (My husband often pleads with me to get to the point!). But it is mainly because vitiligo is a complex subject. I find that it leads me down such fascinating and winding […]
A chance to share tips on visible skin conditions A TV producer contacted me earlier this week about a new format for a Channel 4 UK TV programme. It will feature advice on vitiligo and other visible skin conditions. (This could be anything from adult acne and rosacea to scarring […]
Logo courtesy of VITSAF’s “WALK IN OUR SHOES” campaign Why I believe this day is so important “Happy World Vitiligo Day!” was probably not the first utterance out of your mouth when you woke up this morning. Nevertheless, today – 25 June 2016 – is #WorldVitiligoDay and, in my opinion, […]
Patients & families deserve better I hope you will forgive me if I use my blog on this occasion to have a bit of a rant about something that never ceases to shock and dismay me whenever I come across it… which, I’m sorry to say, is all too often. […]
“Super Vit” all dressed up for… … the superheroes’ celebration! … wherever you are in the world Ever since starting my blog more than five years ago I have enjoyed connecting with #vitiligo-friends all over the world. Thanks to the internet and email, I have been privileged to witness, and […]
Tell your story, make a difference Those of us on the inside of the “vitiligo community” know only too well how profoundly the loss of normal skin colour can affect a person. We know all the ways, great and small, that the condition impacts on our daily life, on our confidence […]
Happy birthday: but not too many happy returns of the day! It only seems like a couple of years since I first heard of it. But World Vitiligo Day is 4 years old today. The brainchild of Steve Haragdon, who founded #VitiligoFriends, and Ogo Maduewesi, founder of #VITSAF, #25June is […]
How would you rate your doctor? Back in the Dark Ages, before the internet, it was customary to rely on the family-doctor for all medical opinions, diagnoses and treatments. Our GP (primary care physician) was considered to be the infallible oracle for all questions biological and physiological and his or […]
plus my thoughts on ducks, country walks, ships and ecosystems! If you are short on time and want to know what the opportunity to highlight vitiligo on TV is, then skip to the end of this post. But, if the subtitle intrigues you, please read on, and all will become […]