If, like me, you are always keen to learn as much about vitiligo as you possibly can, you will have done a lot of research and collected a wealth of medical, personal and general information on the subject. And, in the course of your reading, you may have come across […]
Causes & Triggers
Pigment loss and vision I was just a toddler when my vitiligo started. My parents had no idea what the small white patches were that appeared on my skin for no apparent reason. The tiny areas of discolouration on my spine and ankle bone were mysterious, to be sure. But […]
Your doctor can’t listen to your body 24/7. But you can. It takes many decades (a whole lifetime even) to become thoroughly familiar with the peculiar workings of one’s own body. After all, we are not born with an owner’s manual to help us unravel the mysteries of the complex […]
Why this is an important question to ask Can a gluten-free diet reverse vitiligo? It’s a question that crops up quite regularly on vitiligo forums… A simple enough one, you would think. And yet, no one seems to have a definite answer or verifiable proof one way or the other. […]
Medications linked to pigment loss Before I launch into the subject of whether some prescription drugs cause vitiligo, I’d like to state, for the record, that I am the sort of person who only ever takes medication as a last resort. I always prefer to get some fresh air and […]
Similarities and differences between vitiligo and piebaldism We see animals with patches of white on their skin, fur or feathers all the time. We probably think those markings are striking and beautiful. Either that, or we take them so much for granted that we don’t think about them at all. […]
More pigment instead of less Some people call them beauty spots or beauty marks. Others call them moles. Some of us love them and others think they are unsightly. Most of us have them somewhere on our body. And the majority of us probably don’t pay them much attention. But […]
COVID-19: an autoimmune risk? Before I start this topic, I want to make it clear that there is no link between vitiligo and coronavirus (COVID-19). So don’t be too alarmed by the title. There is more than enough speculation and misinformation out there about the current pandemic, without my accidentally […]
The bald truth about leucoderma and alopecia First of all, apologies for the subtitle. I couldn’t resist. 😉 But read on, because the truth isn’t as bald as the heading suggests. Assuming you are reading this because you are wondering, does vitiligo cause hair loss?, I hope to be able […]
Does how old you are make a difference? As my lovely husband reminded me on my last birthday, age is just a number. I do so agree with him! To a great extent, age is what you make it. It can be an asset, a burden or an utter irrelevance, […]
It’s what vitiligo is all about It’s a fair bet that most people automatically associate the word “inflammation” with swollen joints, insect bites or infections. But inflammation can be completely invisible to the naked eye and it may or may not be accompanied by pain. It can occur in any […]
She cured herself, of course My last blog was about how antioxidant tablets may help to break the domino effect that leads to vitiligo. I suppose you could describe any disease as a process of cause and effect. But I wonder just how many dominoes there are in the chain […]
A FLY IN THE VITILIGO OINTMENT Those of us who live in the north of England have to grab every opportunity to enjoy whatever sunshine we can – whenever we can. The weather pattern here over the past few years has been characterised by pleasantly warm, sunny days in spring […]
Is Histamine a prime suspect? I sometimes feel that using the internet to delve into the causes of vitiligo is a recipe for insanity because it can lead you in ever decreasing circles. As someone with no formal scientific training and only hazy recollections of school chemistry and biology lessons, my […]
A balanced look at a tricky subject Vaccination against the flu and and other potentially serious diseases plays an important role in preventative medicine. Indeed, it protects and saves countless lives every year the world over. However – leaving aside the unhelpful politicisation of the subject in the wake of […]
Mitochondria research could be the key to a leucoderma cure The internet is teeming with information about vitiligo. Clinical papers, research updates, support groups, blogs and authority websites are all rich sources of fascinating facts and figures, comments and opinions. This is a good thing if, like me, you enjoy […]
Digestive recovery and vitiligo recovery may take guts Combating a stubborn and complex condition like vitiligo is not easy. It is not simply a matter of asking your family doctor for a prescription. Not even your dermatologist can wave a magic wand and make the white patches on your skin disappear. […]
Why my favourite brand labels are the ones in my waste bin! I have had problem skin (in the form of vitiligo) virtually all my life. As a result, I have had ample opportunity to notice how my skin reacts to certain fabrics and other materials. One of the most […]
Artificial versus natural sun protecion We have been blessed with some gorgeous warm, sunny weather this spring and summer so far. That said, sunny conditions are never a certainty in our neck of the woods, but I live in hope that this year will continue in the same vein for a […]
Why cold weather may worsen pigment loss At the time of writing this post the weather reports were warning of snow. And my daily walks saw me swapping a thin fleece for my warmest jacket, scarf, hat and gloves… something I used to love to do back when I had […]
Mucosal vitiligo Do you ever ask yourself pointless questions, like whether fish drink water or why men have nipples? (OK – just me then.) I recently asked myself a vitiligo question that sounds equally silly. Namely, do vitiligo sufferers develop white patches inside their body as well as on the outside? You […]