Investigating the mystery of vitiligo I don’t remember exactly when my addiction to detective stories began. It might have been back in the 1970s, when I first started watching the disarming and dishevelled homicide detective Lt. Columbo. I loved how he relentlessly hunted down his prime suspects with “just one […]
Personal experience
Getting hot and sticky: one of life’s simple pleasures! My husband and I recently had a holiday that took us to the sunny climes of the Middle East and South East Asia. An exciting holiday, to be sure, but until my repigmentation several years ago, this sort of trip would […]
And how I have my skin to thank for my internet addiction! I grew up and lived almost half a century with little or no access to instant information. In fact there was no information at all on the poorly-understood, never-talked-about, incurable and largely ignored skin condition that we call […]
Building hope and community When I first put my vitiligo success story on the internet in 2010 there were very few websites or blogs around that offered a genuine, personal account of what it is like to have vitiligo… And even fewer that actually offered any hope of recovery. Now, I’m […]
For the sake of everyone who finds #VitiligoProtocol a bit of a mouthful and bothersome to key into their browser, I am happy to announce that I have re-branded my #VitiligoSupportSite and #VitiligoBlog. I have shortened the name to something much more memorable. So Vitiligo Protocol is now The Vit […]
Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference. And, if you have a chronic condition of any sort – in my case, #vitiligo – there really is no such thing as a small improvement: every #improvement is massive. So, as some light relief between my posts on other […]
Great vitiligo coverage – in every sense of the word I was delighted to see fledgling entrepreneur Polly Gotschi on the hugely popular prime-time BBC TV show Dragons’Den earlier this week. Her simple and heartfelt business pitch for investment in her Vitiliglow camouflage make-up highlighted the practical and psychological issues […]
One man’s recovery from vitiligo One of the best parts of being a vitiligo blogger is the sense of being part of a global community of people who love to share their experiences. So many of the comments and emails I receive – as well as the forums and support groups […]
One skin condition: different reactions I have been trawling the internet over the past few weeks for other vitiligo blogs and success stories. I have found a lot of personal accounts, rather fewer success stories and, along the way, I have come across some very sad tales too. I have […]
Can you enjoy sunbathing if you have vitiligo? The past week here in the UK has seen the first really warm spring weather. The lambs in the fields surrounding where I live are frolicking like playful children. The hedgerows are smothered in hawthorn blossom and wild flowers. And I have been […]
Summer isn’t the only time of year we bare our skin… The patchy pigment loss that vitiligo sufferers contend with on a daily basis affects some people more profoundly than others. The severity of the condition, as well as the psychological mind-set of the individual, are both obvious factors. And […]
Back in 2010 – before I re-pigmented – this is what my legs looked like under a Wood’s Light. They are now 99% re-pigmented (and a lot slimmer too, I’m glad to say – ha,ha!) Seeing the positive changes happening has been amazing. And one of the more unusual aspects of […]
Most doctors will tell you that loss of colour is the only noticeable #vitiligo-symptom. However, I always noticed that the skin on my vitiligo lesions was much more prone to natural exfoliation than the rest of my skin. If I rubbed the de-pigmented skin firmly with my hand every week […]
It’s been over 4 years (at the time of writing this post) since my natural skin colour started returning. (Thanks to a nutritional approach that I stumbled on more or less by accident) And, even now, my vitiligo recovery is still continuing. Since 2010, virtually all of my previously white […]
Voltaire (1694-1778) said “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” If you are re-pigmenting naturally, as I have done, you’ll know that nature takes her time. It’s taken me 3 years but at least it’s been faster than waiting for a wonder-drug! If […]
This is a picture of me in 2010, showing the first few freckles that heralded my re-pigmentation. As you can see, the only areas of normal skin colour were on my shoulders and the outermost portion of my upper arms. Like most people with widespread vitiligo, I always dreaded not, […]
It was about this time 4 years ago that I first tried a particular couple of #nutritionalsupplements in the not-very-confident hope that they might help my #vitiligo – even though nothing else in 50 years ever had helped. I came across them in the product range of one of the […]
I just read a very interesting piece of research on how vitiligo sufferers feel about themselves and how they feel their appearance is perceived by others. Unjustified though this clearly is, it seems that a lot of people with vitiligo feel stigmatised and this is one of the reasons why […]
I have found myself offering a lot of advice to other vitiligo sufferers since re-pigmenting unexpectedly 3 years ago. Most of that advice has been in response to specific questions about my treatment. But I also have another piece of advice to offer based on my own experience and that […]
Yipee! Here comes the sun again! OK, so the large expanses of skin all over my body that were previously pure white are still not all completely tanned yet. But the mottled effect only looks like ordinary freckles. The main thing is that I feel normal and am happy to […]