Does detox work? And is fasting the way to do it? Following the dietary excesses of the festive season, many of us have been cleaning up our act this month. We may even be going through a detox of some description to kick-start a healthier new year. So, with this […]
Diet & Nutrition
Possibly the best super-green food for vitiligo yet Have you had success using super-green foods as part of a vitiligo recovery or maintenance programme? If so, you are in good company. Chances are, you may have tried a number of different brands, or else mixed your own juice or shakes. […]
From super greens to nutraceuticals Food is the oldest medicine. It provides our hard-working human “vehicle” with the fuel, oil, repairs and maintenance it needs to keep working perfectly. Not only does it do this gently, naturally and (usually) with zero unwanted side-effects, but it also gives us enjoyment. Of […]
We repeatedly hear that we need to eat more fruit and veg but, if everything I read on the subject of vitiligo (and good health generally) is true, we should minimise sugar intake as much as possible – including fructose. So, is fruit good or bad for vitiligo? Why veggies […]
Lessons in vitiligo nutrition My story has been one of trial and error, serendipity and good fortune. Widespread vitiligo and generally suboptimal health had become my accepted norm by the time I reached adulthood. And this continued to be my lot in life until the age of 50. Only then […]
For vitiligo and for general health Having lived with widespread vitiligo for almost 50 years, I am eternally grateful for my re-pigmentation. I will never take my recovery for granted. Since this life-changing event came about as a result of taking nutritional supplements, I have to suppress a snort of […]
May 2017 bring you healthy skin! A belated happy new year (or a slightly early Chinese one) to all my Vitiligo Friends. I think it is fitting that the coming year is the year of the Rooster. This colourful bird is a perfect example of how marvelous nature’s pigments can […]
Re-pigmentation and the meat-free myth This post – from a purely nutritional point of view – is my attempt at answering a common question… Do you recommend a vegetarian diet for vitiligo? But before I get to the “meat” (sorry) of this article, I need to make a couple of […]
… as effective therapy for vitiligo There was a time when any vitiligo patient who dared mention the word “vitamin” in the presence of their doctor would have earned themselves a patronising smirk and a dismissive assertion that “no evidence exists to show nutritional-supplementation has any effect on the condition […]
Is this spice good or bad for pigment loss (leukoderma)? If, like me, you love spicy foods you will be no stranger to turmeric, the lovely golden spice derived from the root of the curcuma plant and widely used in Asian cuisine. It certainly tastes wonderful. But some people also swear […]
A matter of quality AND quantity The word diet usually makes me think of hunger, restriction and abstinence. In the context of vitiligo, though, eating for vitiligo recovery is not so much about cutting foods out. In my experience, it’s more about ensuring you get enough of the right foods. […]
The risk of D deficiency In my previous article on Vitamin D and Vitiligo I described the role vitamin D plays in the body and some of the reasons it can be helpful to supplement with this important nutrient. But in today’s post I am going to focus on a […]
Sun exposure and supplementation as part of a wider nutritional programme is my personal preference If you read my post entitled Should I Take Vitamin D For Vitiligo? you will remember that I ended by suggesting that taking vitamin D was a good idea… But that I would not necessarily […]
How eating your greens helps guard against depigmentation It amuses me every time the media picks up on the latest “cutting-edge” research proving what we already knew… That vegetables and fruit are good for us. They are not just good for us. They are absolutely essential to maintaining physical and […]
What does vitamin D do? As I write this post I am sitting in my garden enjoying some unusually warm UK Spring sunshine. I am feeling very grateful for this on two counts. Firstly, the unseasonably good weather. And, secondly, the fact that I am able to enjoy it without […]
The quote above from Hippocrates, the “father of modern medicine”, is well-known. In fact, it has become my mantra (my very own Hippocratic Oath, if you like). Using food as medicine makes a lot of sense to me. Not least because I have an experiment in nutritional therapy to thank […]
To eat or not to eat: that is the question I am often asked what is the best diet for vitiligo… And whether I ate, or avoided, any particular foods in the course of my repigmentation. So, I thought this might be a helpful topic to cover here this week. The […]
What part has collagen supplementation played in my repigmentation? Given that biology and chemistry were among my least favourite subjects at school, it strikes me as ironic that I am starting this post with an illustration of the mollecular structure of a collagen fibre and am about to talk about […]
What should you not eat if you have vitiligo? Most doctors would have us believe that there is no link between nutrition and vitiligo. Any suggestion from a vitiligo patient to this effect is often met with a brusque dismissal or a condescending smile. So expecting advice from your GP […]
I recently came across some good news for vitiligo sufferers who love Indian food… Well, for anyone who likes Asian cuisine really. This information about the health benefits of eating butter and ghee is good news all round, but especially for those of us who have any sort of chronic condition […]
Drinking my Five a Day helped my vitiligo When I spotted this great video (below) from TheNickFever I was really excited to see someone else successfully using natural green foods to treat their vitiligo. Well done, Nick, and congratulations! Thanks for sharing your experience of adding a high quality daily […]