Don’t let anxiety spoil the celebrations From one new year to the next life is full of celebrations. Whether it’s Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Ramadan or Hanukkah, there are always wonderful reasons for people to get together. And that’s before you even factor in birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, retirements, and all […]
Compensations for a patchy skin Despite a firm belief in the power of positive thinking, I never succeeded in being remotely positive about my vitiligo while it was active. But, ever since emerging on the other side of the experience, as it were, I find I can take a more […]
How our modern world is affecting people with vitiligo Not so long ago “mental health” was a term we rarely came across in everyday life and in the media. But for the past several years we have been seeing and hearing it everywhere. Almost annoyingly so, some may say. And […]
Can we think ourselves better? Are you a believer in the power of positive thinking? Most of us like to think of ourselves as generally more positive than negative. For a start, everyone needs to project a positive image at work. But we don’t always take it home with us. […]
… and 5 reasons to love summer Each year, as we reach the end of summer, I find myself trying to hold back time. Willing the trees to hang on to their leaves. And wishing the nights were not drawing in that little bit more with each passing day. People […]
Why me? I want to share with you 3 answers to a common vitiligo question. A question that I bet you have asked yourself at some time in your life when facing illness or hardship… Why me? Just like many other medical conditions, vitiligo shows no favouritism. It affects all […]
Many vitiligo opportunities The title “Four vitiligo options” might suggest that you are going to read about four treatments. But that’s not what this post is about. It’s more about how we react to having vitiligo. Of course, the one option we don’t have open to us is not to […]
The pros and cons of hiding vitiligo Continuing with my previous topic about the increasing number of helpful vitiligo blogs and stories out there, I’d like to mention one on YouTube that was actually part of an advertising campaign. But it is genuinely inspiring. Well worth watching if you ever […]
Common vitiligo coping strategies From the first moment a person notices white patches appearing somewhere on their skin, they start to develop coping strategies. Whether they realise it or not. There is no right or wrong way to react to pigment loss. After all, we are all different. And different […]
… is curable In my opinion, the most devastating vitiligo symptom is not the loss of skin pigment. It is the loss of hope. If you lose patches of colour, but still have hope, you are so much more likely to find a treatment that helps. But if you lose […]
As someone with a keen interest in language, I believe that terminology is important. How we talk about things influences how we think about them. And how we think about them influences how we feel and, crucially, what we do about them. So, let me ask you this question: how […]
or does spring bring new hope? What’s not to love about spring? Blossom is heavy on the trees. Daffodils are blooming in glowing profusion. And images of long, sunny days and lazy, warm evenings are already taking shape in the imagination. (Of course, this being northern Britain, that is where […]
Talking therapies can help A common complaint among vitiligo sufferers is that their doctors lack an appreciation of the psychological effects of their condition. They just don’t seem to get that vitiligo is not just about skin. I don’t doubt that there are many medical practitioners out there who are sensitive […]
and maybe new pigmentation! The holiday season is just about behind us. (I hope it was a good one for you.) And the new year is here. What better time to leave behind old habits, old disappointments and past ways of thinking? Ditch those things that may have prevented us […]
How much time do you spend doing this? Not everyone with vitiligo allows it to dominate their thoughts. I admire those individuals who are able to put their white patches into healthy perspective and simply get on with their lives. However, I can’t begin to estimate how much time I […]