… paints a thousand words It has been five years since I first shared my vitiligo success story on the internet. I didn’t share it because I necessarily expected the same approach to work for everyone, but because I knew that many vitiligo sufferers feel helpless and hopeless. And their […]
Treatments & Solutions
Takes more than a knee-jerk reaction Today, we all probably know more about diet, nutrition and health than at any time in history, due, in the main, to modern media and the miracle of search engines. And yet (no doubt for the very same reasons) most of us have a […]
How to REMove your white spots Every night, when I settle into my comfy bed, I look forward to that blissful state of suspended animation that we call sleep. It’s a wonderful and mysterious thing. And we all know that getting enough sleep is important for our health and wellbeing. […]
… that could be making your white patches worse In part 1 of this article I flagged up five coping strategies that are often adopted by vitiligo sufferers, unaware that they may actually cause further depigmentation. 10 Vitiligo Solutions, part 2, will highlight a further five potentially counterproductive strategies. And, […]
The Vit Pro’s choice of UV lamps I shall start this post by asking you to indulge me while I tell you about the latest addition to Vitiligo Store… Home UV phototherapy lamps. My aim in setting up this shopping site was to provide tried-and-tested vitiligo products. And to make […]
Interrupting the domino effect As you will know if you have read my blog before, I am not a scientist. So I tend to draw everyday analogies between the technical information I read and concepts that are more familiar to me. Hopefully, these comparisons are helpful to others whose scientific […]
How I turned my bath tub into a skin-healing spa No matter what your doctor may have told you, there are many effective treatments for vitiligo. And many of them are home remedies. I used a combination of certain nutritional supplements and regular sun exposure to regain nearly all my […]
Shedding light on phototherapy Ever since my vitiligo started to re-pigment some years ago, with the aid of nutritional supplements and sunshine, I have been fascinated by both elements of my recovery. I have written a lot about the nutrition involved but, until now, very little about sunshine or UV […]
… that could be making your white patches worse In 10 vitiligo solutions, part 1, I want to highlight five coping strategies that many people use, which could actually be making their vitiligo worse. (And offer some tried and tested alternative solutions.) Then in part 2 I shall cover five […]
It’s a pity that we don’t, on the whole, appreciate the beauty of white patches on human skin. At least, not in the same way as we do on animals… like this beautiful horse. But the fact is that, unlike these lovely creatures, most people who develop white patches realise […]
3 of the best vitiligo products available without prescription I am usually wary of products that claim to treat vitiligo. That is because there are too many so-called “guaranteed cures” out there on the internet… Many of which have little to do with helping people and everything to do with parting […]
Phototherapy for skin conditions is nothing new Light therapy is not a new treatment by any means. In fact it is as old as mankind – or should I say animal kind. You only have to watch how your pets gravitate towards all the sunniest spots in the house on […]
CBT and vitiligo I have been reading up on the subject of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for skin conditions just recently. In fact, what prompted me to do this was some interesting feedback I received on my other post about talking therapies (Treating Vitiligo Is Not Just About Skin). This came […]
As summer approaches, the prospect of those lazy, hazy days ahead can be daunting. At least, they can for anyone with vitiligo. The fact that the rest of the world is eagerly anticipating its many pleasures just makes matters worse. Warm weather, swimming, barbecues and outdoor pursuits should all be fun. […]
Old wives’ tale or valuable autoimmune therapy? Can oil pulling improve vitiligo? Or anything else for that matter? Or is this just a fad? These are questions I have been pondering for the past few weeks and, frankly, I still don’t have the answers. But I’d like to share my […]
Might chalk become your Vitiligo Friend? Vitiligo (or #leukoderma /# leucoderma as it is variously known around the world) is a condition in which the skin (and sometimes the hair) loses pigment. This usually happens in localised patches. But vitiligo can turn you chalky white in large segments or even […]
Did you overindulge during the holidays? Let’s be honest, most of us overdo the food and drink during the Festive Season. And I’m not talking about green vegetables and mineral water! For a lot of us the bingeing gives way to dieting in January… The goal being simple weight loss in […]
So why do doctors not treat it like other autoimmune conditions? Assuming that #vitiligo is usually, if not exclusively, the result of an autoimmune response, it is not surprising that no magic pill to cure it has yet been found. As far as I can tell from searching the net, […]
So many solutions in a single fruit As a child growing up in the UK during the 1960s and ’70s I didn’t come across #coconuts very often. I certainly had no idea of its health properties or many uses. And I would not have guessed it could be helpful in […]
… as recommended by The Vit Pro This week I am very excited to announce the launch of Vitiligo Store… A new website offering products to help in the day to day management of vitiligo. (Including those that helped in my own recovery.) The site went live four days ago […]
These might just help you to repigment your skin Following on from my previous top tips posts on the subject, here are another 5 vitiligo tips for you that might just help you to repigment your skin. In any case, they are well worth being aware of… Because, with a […]