Talking therapies can help A common complaint among vitiligo sufferers is that their doctors lack an appreciation of the psychological effects of their condition. They just don’t seem to get that vitiligo is not just about skin. I don’t doubt that there are many medical practitioners out there who are sensitive […]
Vitiligo Blog
So many variables, so little money! I sometimes wonder whether those of us with vitiligo (an estimated one in 100 of the world’s population) are justified in feeling frustrated about the lack of progress towards a permanent cure. As far as anyone knows, vitiligo has been around for as long […]
What does vitamin D do? As I write this post I am sitting in my garden enjoying some unusually warm UK Spring sunshine. I am feeling very grateful for this on two counts. Firstly, the unseasonably good weather. And, secondly, the fact that I am able to enjoy it without […]
The quote above from Hippocrates, the “father of modern medicine”, is well-known. In fact, it has become my mantra (my very own Hippocratic Oath, if you like). Using food as medicine makes a lot of sense to me. Not least because I have an experiment in nutritional therapy to thank […]
Did you overindulge during the holidays? Let’s be honest, most of us overdo the food and drink during the Festive Season. And I’m not talking about green vegetables and mineral water! For a lot of us the bingeing gives way to dieting in January… The goal being simple weight loss in […]
There is still no satisfactory cure for vitiligo. But there are certainly enough re-pigmentation stories to show that it’s a condition that does respond to therapy. There are a number of different treatments that can be effective to one degree or another. It’s just that no single one works for […]
People are like gift wrap: all different colours and designs! Without wanting to state the obvious, there are a lot of people on the planet… About 7 billion at the time of writing. Homo sapiens first walked the earth about 50,000 years ago. And since then the Population Reference Bureau […]
So why do doctors not treat it like other autoimmune conditions? Assuming that #vitiligo is usually, if not exclusively, the result of an autoimmune response, it is not surprising that no magic pill to cure it has yet been found. As far as I can tell from searching the net, […]
It’s complicated! The truth about vitiligo can be summed up very simply… It’s complicated! If it wasn’t complicated, research would have found the cause and a cure by now. The fact that even Michael Jackson’s fortune couldn’t buy him a solution says a lot about how elusive this is. Even his untimely […]
One man’s recovery from vitiligo One of the best parts of being a vitiligo blogger is the sense of being part of a global community of people who love to share their experiences. So many of the comments and emails I receive – as well as the forums and support groups […]
I found this beautiful poem in a calendar I bought for a friend and wanted to share it with all my friends. I truly do wish you all a wonderful year to come… A wonderful year to come!Success in everything you do.A little more joy,a little less stress,a lot more […]
Are you dressed to kill? Ever since I was a teenager I’ve loved shopping for new clothes. I still enjoy the guilty pleasures of carrying my purchases home, emptying them out onto the bed and staging my own private fashion show. Clothes are a great outlet for self-expression and individuality. They […]
The weird and wonderful world of skin colour: part 4 Can green pigment restore skin pigment? may sound like a nonsensical question. After all, the green pigment chlorophyll is completely different from the skin pigment melanin (which does not function in areas of vitiligo)… Isn’t it? Well, yes. But read […]
It has taken me more than half a lifetime of dealing with the day-to-day impact of living with vitiligo and wondering “why me?” (when all along I knew the answer was “why not me?”) to realise that the experience has made me a much more compassionate human being. Â Even though […]
A vitiligo friend pointed out a news item to me today which I somehow missed back in May of this year and which sounds to me like the closest thing to a potential real cure for vitiligo yet. The article, as reported in the Telegraph on 6 May 2013, confirms what […]
I have been aware for a long time that vitiligo is sometimes associated with pernicious anaemia. (Please excuse the British spelling if you are not from the UK). So I finally decided to look at this subject in more detail and pass the information on. I hope you find it […]
To eat or not to eat: that is the question I am often asked what is the best diet for vitiligo… And whether I ate, or avoided, any particular foods in the course of my repigmentation. So, I thought this might be a helpful topic to cover here this week. The […]
So many solutions in a single fruit As a child growing up in the UK during the 1960s and ’70s I didn’t come across #coconuts very often. I certainly had no idea of its health properties or many uses. And I would not have guessed it could be helpful in […]
These beautiful animals tell the story of my skin over the past few years since I began to re-pigment. Of course, these gorgeous creatures don’t have vitiligo. I just love horses. And it occurred to me that their vastly differing patterns would be a fun illustration of how much my […]
One skin condition: different reactions I have been trawling the internet over the past few weeks for other vitiligo blogs and success stories. I have found a lot of personal accounts, rather fewer success stories and, along the way, I have come across some very sad tales too. I have […]
Thanks to everyone who flagged up that the image I posted yesterday, entitled The cause of your vitiligo is probably on this chart, was too small to read. The causes of this skin condition are famously complex. So much so, that even a bigger vitiligo flow chart than this still […]