As we approach the end of our second countrywide lock-down here in the UK, it is looking increasingly as if a return to something resembling normal will coincide with the arrival of spring. And I can’t think of a better boost to everyone’s morale than that. Maybe then we can […]
Checking on skin changes as they happen Like many other inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, vitiligo is unpredictable. It can become progressively worse or it can remain stable for years. It can spread slowly, rapidly or not at all. Not only can it suddenly flare up, but it can also re-pigment […]
New year, new perspective Thoughts of your vitiligo this New Year may or may not be at the forefront of your mind right now. With 2020 and 2021 firmly (and thankfully) behind us, most of us are still trying to make sense of their world-changing events. The last two years […]
Possibly the best super-green food for vitiligo yet Have you had success using super-green foods as part of a vitiligo recovery or maintenance programme? If so, you are in good company. Chances are, you may have tried a number of different brands, or else mixed your own juice or shakes. […]
A journey of discovery Individuals’ experiences with vitiligo treatments vary enormously… The reason, I suppose, being that there are so many variables at play. There is no single cause of vitiligo. And there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. The pathway of the disease involves not just one route, but many. And […]
From super greens to nutraceuticals Food is the oldest medicine. It provides our hard-working human “vehicle” with the fuel, oil, repairs and maintenance it needs to keep working perfectly. Not only does it do this gently, naturally and (usually) with zero unwanted side-effects, but it also gives us enjoyment. Of […]
3 front-runners and an outsider Before you get too excited, there is no cure for vitiligo quite yet. But I am confident that a day will come pretty soon when we will read headlines like this one… “Scientists finally discover a cure for vitiligo”. (So I do think it’s OK […]
A story of vitiligo management Once upon a time (not very long ago) hardly anyone knew hardly anything about a hardly talked-about condition. That condition was called vitiligo. Then, very gradually, people actually did start to talk about it. They learned more about it too… much more. But they didn’t […]
Similarities and differences between vitiligo and piebaldism We see animals with patches of white on their skin, fur or feathers all the time. We probably think those markings are striking and beautiful. Either that, or we take them so much for granted that we don’t think about them at all. […]
More pigment instead of less Some people call them beauty spots or beauty marks. Others call them moles. Some of us love them and others think they are unsightly. Most of us have them somewhere on our body. And the majority of us probably don’t pay them much attention. But […]
How having fun could improve your skin Spring 2020 (when I wrote this) had, so far, been a strange experience for virtually everyone on the planet. For a majority of us around the world it was a time for staying home and relying on our own resources and imagination to […]
Animals help reduce stress and anxiety Pet therapy for vitiligo? Are you kidding? Well, I know it sounds unlikely that keeping animals could help your skin condition. But bear with me (no bear pun intended). The idea for this rather unusual vitiligo blog topic came to me in two ways… […]
COVID-19: an autoimmune risk? Before I start this topic, I want to make it clear that there is no link between vitiligo and coronavirus (COVID-19). So don’t be too alarmed by the title. There is more than enough speculation and misinformation out there about the current pandemic, without my accidentally […]
An interview with the author of Dappled I have enjoyed reading fiction ever since I was a little girl. And, like most avid readers, I have my favourite novelists and preferred styles of writing. There’s nothing I like more than to lose myself in a well crafted story and get […]
Missing finger prints AND missing pigment! I have a friend whose replacement hip always sets off the metal detectors whenever he goes through airport security. Of course, this is not especially unusual. After all, joint replacements are relatively commonplace. But it can be inconvenient, and even a little embarrassing, for […]
Five years on I’ve always been a massive fan of Dragons’ Den and loved seeing founder of Vitiliglow® Polly Gotschi appear back in 2015. Polly was successful in the Den (check out my blog about the show.) And, almost five years on, Vitiliglow® has changed hugely. I’m delighted that Polly has agreed to […]
My top skin songs and why I chose them As a vitiligo blogger, I spend a lot of time reading, thinking and writing about skin. Mainly about how it works. Or, in the case of vitiligo, how it doesn’t work quite as it should. But, as we are in the […]
The bald truth about leucoderma and alopecia First of all, apologies for the subtitle. I couldn’t resist. 😉 But read on, because the truth isn’t as bald as the heading suggests. Assuming you are reading this because you are wondering, does vitiligo cause hair loss?, I hope to be able […]
Whatever colour your vitiligo skin is, you've got to admit it is awesome. It envelopes you and keeps you safe. It is a living, breathing, durable, stretchy, cushioned, self-mending miracle suit of armour.
Blogs that help people understand vitiligo There is a lot of information about vitiligo on the internet right now, in the final quarter of 2019. And it’s a sure bet that next year will increase the sum of online vitiligo knowledge and awareness even further. Keeping up to date with […]