Digestive recovery and vitiligo recovery may take guts Combating a stubborn and complex condition like vitiligo is not easy. It is not simply a matter of asking your family doctor for a prescription. Not even your dermatologist can wave a magic wand and make the white patches on your skin disappear. […]
Vitiligo Blog
The pros and cons of hiding vitiligo Continuing with my previous topic about the increasing number of helpful vitiligo blogs and stories out there, I’d like to mention one on YouTube that was actually part of an advertising campaign. But it is genuinely inspiring. Well worth watching if you ever […]
And how I have my skin to thank for my internet addiction! I grew up and lived almost half a century with little or no access to instant information. In fact there was no information at all on the poorly-understood, never-talked-about, incurable and largely ignored skin condition that we call […]
Common vitiligo coping strategies From the first moment a person notices white patches appearing somewhere on their skin, they start to develop coping strategies. Whether they realise it or not. There is no right or wrong way to react to pigment loss. After all, we are all different. And different […]
… as effective therapy for vitiligo There was a time when any vitiligo patient who dared mention the word “vitamin” in the presence of their doctor would have earned themselves a patronising smirk and a dismissive assertion that “no evidence exists to show nutritional-supplementation has any effect on the condition […]
How to REMove your white spots Every night, when I settle into my comfy bed, I look forward to that blissful state of suspended animation that we call sleep. It’s a wonderful and mysterious thing. And we all know that getting enough sleep is important for our health and wellbeing. […]
Why my favourite brand labels are the ones in my waste bin! I have had problem skin (in the form of vitiligo) virtually all my life. As a result, I have had ample opportunity to notice how my skin reacts to certain fabrics and other materials. One of the most […]
Happy birthday: but not too many happy returns of the day! It only seems like a couple of years since I first heard of it. But World Vitiligo Day is 4 years old today. The brainchild of Steve Haragdon, who founded #VitiligoFriends, and Ogo Maduewesi, founder of #VITSAF, #25June is […]
Artificial versus natural sun protecion We have been blessed with some gorgeous warm, sunny weather this spring and summer so far. That said, sunny conditions are never a certainty in our neck of the woods, but I live in hope that this year will continue in the same vein for a […]
Why cold weather may worsen pigment loss Just three weeks ago I was waxing lyrical about the golden beauty of the countryside in autumn. But the weather reports this week have been warning of snow. And my daily walks over the past few days have seen me swap a thin fleece […]
The weird and wonderful world of skin colour: part 2 This week, for part 2 of my Weird And Wonderful World blog series, I discover that melanin is not the only pigment. And I find a fascinating article that describes research into what skin colour pigments people find the most […]
… that could be making your white patches worse In part 1 of this article I flagged up five coping strategies that are often adopted by vitiligo sufferers, unaware that they may actually cause further depigmentation. 10 Vitiligo Solutions, part 2, will highlight a further five potentially counterproductive strategies. And, […]
The Vit Pro’s choice of UV lamps I shall start this post by asking you to indulge me while I tell you about the latest addition to Vitiligo Store… Home UV phototherapy lamps. My aim in setting up this shopping site was to provide tried-and-tested vitiligo products. And to make […]
Interrupting the domino effect As you will know if you have read my blog before, I am not a scientist. So I tend to draw everyday analogies between the technical information I read and concepts that are more familiar to me. Hopefully, these comparisons are helpful to others whose scientific […]
Is this spice good or bad for pigment loss (leukoderma)? If, like me, you love spicy foods you will be no stranger to turmeric, the lovely golden spice derived from the root of the curcuma plant and widely used in Asian cuisine. It certainly tastes wonderful. But some people also swear […]
Mucosal vitiligo Do you ever ask yourself pointless questions, like whether fish drink water or why men have nipples? (OK – just me then.) I recently asked myself a vitiligo question that sounds equally silly. Namely, do vitiligo sufferers develop white patches inside their body as well as on the outside? You […]
A matter of quality AND quantity The word diet usually makes me think of hunger, restriction and abstinence. In the context of vitiligo, though, eating for vitiligo recovery is not so much about cutting foods out. In my experience, it’s more about ensuring you get enough of the right foods. […]
… is curable In my opinion, the most devastating vitiligo symptom is not the loss of skin pigment. It is the loss of hope. If you lose patches of colour, but still have hope, you are so much more likely to find a treatment that helps. But if you lose […]
How a neurotransmitter in your intestinal tract helps induce pigmentation Most people who have heard of serotonin probably know of it as the brain chemical that regulates mood. And many are aware that a lack of serotonin is linked to depression. What you may not know is that the vast majority […]
Is a cure coming closer? I was recently asked by a vitiligo friend on Facebook if I had heard of the drug #Tofacitinib and what did I know about it. I told him that what I had heard made me optimistic that research into definitive vitiligo cures was making significant […]
How I turned my bath tub into a skin-healing spa No matter what your doctor may have told you, there are many effective treatments for vitiligo. And many of them are home remedies. I used a combination of certain nutritional supplements and regular sun exposure to regain nearly all my […]