It’s a pity that we don’t, on the whole, appreciate the beauty of white patches on human skin. At least, not in the same way as we do on animals… like this beautiful horse. But the fact is that, unlike these lovely creatures, most people who develop white patches realise […]
Vitiligo Blog
Skin colour and identity I’m sure I am not the only person to have occasionally pondered the question “who am I?” We all know we have a physical body but we also know there is more to us than that. So what is it that makes me uniquely me? Wow […]
Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference. And, if you have a chronic condition of any sort – in my case, #vitiligo – there really is no such thing as a small improvement: every #improvement is massive. So, as some light relief between my posts on other […]
3 of the best vitiligo products available without prescription I am usually wary of products that claim to treat vitiligo. That is because there are too many so-called “guaranteed cures” out there on the internet… Many of which have little to do with helping people and everything to do with parting […]
It looks exactly like vitiligo but could have an environmental cause Chemical leukoderma (sometimes called occupational vitiligo) is the loss of areas of skin pigment due to contact with certain chemicals. And anyone can suffer from it, whether they have a history of vitiligo or not. It is not the same […]
Great vitiligo coverage – in every sense of the word I was delighted to see fledgling entrepreneur Polly Gotschi on the hugely popular prime-time BBC TV show Dragons’Den earlier this week. Her simple and heartfelt business pitch for investment in her Vitiliglow camouflage make-up highlighted the practical and psychological issues […]
Great to see all the social media activity yesterday on World Vitiligo Day – finally the word is getting out. Education, information and understanding are all helping to reduce ignorance, prejudice and stigmatisation. Finally. At last, we are seeing a greater awareness of vitiligo. Congratulations to everyone who took part […]
Online support Advances in medical research may not have made a massive impact yet on the lives of people with vitiligo. But advances in communications certainly have. In the past few years public awareness of vitiligo (or leukoderma, as it is sometimes known) has become much greater. And, thanks to […]
Phototherapy for skin conditions is nothing new Light therapy is not a new treatment by any means. In fact it is as old as mankind – or should I say animal kind. You only have to watch how your pets gravitate towards all the sunniest spots in the house on […]
Not a disease as such, but a symptom of other issues When, as a child, I was originally diagnosed with this thing called vitiligo it was the 1960s. Back then, doctors knew almost nothing about it. And the general public knew even less. The mysterious white patches on my skin […]
or does spring bring new hope? What’s not to love about spring? Blossom is heavy on the trees. Daffodils are blooming in glowing profusion. And images of long, sunny days and lazy, warm evenings are already taking shape in the imagination. (Of course, this being northern Britain, that is where […]
But what does that have to do with vitiligo? Happy Mother’s Day to all Mums out there! If you live in the UK you will know that this Sunday mothers across the country will be waking up (far too early probably) to a very well-intentioned, but possibly unappetising, breakfast tray, which […]
Is digestion a factor? I have often read that stress can trigger vitiligo and used to find this concept rather mystifying. Of course, it stands to reason that stress is likely to weaken the immune system and therefore increase the likelihood of developing a variety of illnesses. But why should […]
CBT and vitiligo I have been reading up on the subject of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for skin conditions just recently. In fact, what prompted me to do this was some interesting feedback I received on my other post about talking therapies (Treating Vitiligo Is Not Just About Skin). This came […]
Physical trauma is a trigger If you, or a loved one, suffer from vitiligo you will know how traumatic it can be. The psychological trauma of any disfigurement (e.g. a burn, scar or birthmark) can be difficult to deal with, especially if it affects your face. But in this post […]
In considering possible links between vitiligo and other diseases, I didn’t want to leave out lupus. Because some of the medical literature suggests an association between the two conditions. And also for the altogether less scientific reason that Michael Jackson, who famously suffered from vitiligo for a large portion of […]
As summer approaches, the prospect of those lazy, hazy days ahead can be daunting. At least, they can for anyone with vitiligo. The fact that the rest of the world is eagerly anticipating its many pleasures just makes matters worse. Warm weather, swimming, barbecues and outdoor pursuits should all be fun. […]
Old wives’ tale or valuable autoimmune therapy? Can oil pulling improve vitiligo? Or anything else for that matter? Or is this just a fad? These are questions I have been pondering for the past few weeks and, frankly, I still don’t have the answers. But I’d like to share my […]
… and a Vitix update I have two topics to share this week and they are linked, so I thought I’d give you them both in the one post. I’ll begin with a valuable lesson I learned a few weeks ago. It’s one I wasn’t thrilled about at the time […]
Might chalk become your Vitiligo Friend? Vitiligo (or #leukoderma /# leucoderma as it is variously known around the world) is a condition in which the skin (and sometimes the hair) loses pigment. This usually happens in localised patches. But vitiligo can turn you chalky white in large segments or even […]
Thankfully, there is a lot more vitiligo research going on today than at any time in the past. However, I can’t help thinking that what people with vitiligo need more than anything – especially when they are first diagnosed – is a doctor who is willing to hunt down some […]