white patches can have silver linings

Last Updated on 4th January 2019 by Caroline Haye

Picture It has taken me more than half a lifetime of dealing with the day-to-day impact of living with vitiligo and wondering “why me?” (when all along I knew the answer was “why not me?”) to realise that the experience has made me a much more compassionate human being.  Even though my pigment has been steadily returning over the last few years and my own personal cloud (which is how it often felt) has lifted, this silver lining has remained and I know it’s one I share with so many others who know what it feels like to be different. I now appreciate my pigment more than I ever did before I started losing it and I appreciate the gift of compassion even more than the return of my natural colour.  My vitiligo friends, you are among the most compassionate people I have ever known.  Like clouds, your white patches may come and hopefully, like mine, they will go but they have silver linings that leave you richer than you would ever have been without them 🙂

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